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Using Nibido in Bodybuilding

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  • Using Nibido in Bodybuilding

    ....Is this a new compound with magical properties? Nope!! Like I explained in “Common sense cycling”
    Many things are known for years and part of normal (pharmaco)kinetics. Most bodybuilders are also aware of these facts. If you use longer slower esters the clearance and half-life rates are delayed. If you use carrier oils with a higher viscosity, inject more frequent or use higher doses. The kinetics change.

    Depending on the compound manufacturing the half-life of testosterone enanthate is 10.5 days, from testosterone cypionate is 12 days, from testosterone Decanoate is 15 days. Then there's undecanoate which has a half-life reported of up to 16.5 days Pharmaceutical companies are completely aware of how the enanthate and cypionate ester is resulting in fluctuating mood, sexual performance, and energy levels, and they are looking at undecanoate as a solution.

    The longer the ester, the more gradual the release of testosterone. Which of course means stability of serum levels. Once you are able to keep the blood-serum testosterone level completely stable, then everything else (estrogen, DHT, aggression, fluid retention, gynecomastia, etc). becomes easier to manage.
    Well, Now we have seen what the results are from the Chinese study with administration of 500 mg, followed by a 1000 mg injection and visa versa. We know what Bayer said about it AND in the USA the 250 mg/ml is available, just as UG Testosterone Enanthate. So what is stopping bodybuilders from experimenting with this compound?

    Probably the price. It is very expensive. A typical fill can cost $882 or more for 1 vial (3ml) of Aveed 750mg/3ml. Nibido (1000 mg) in Europe costs around 200 euro. BUT… we can buy underground made compounds made by reliable manufacturers for only a fraction of the price, official manufacturers would charge you.