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  • Bluelabel

    You sent me this p.m.
    I think im pregnant// but seriously im nervous


    Originally Posted by BLUELABEL
    Im lactating cept it aint milk.. started out clear then turned into a lil blood.... and once i was done drinking it i gained 50 lbs over nite.. Is this how u guys do it? like the rights of passage kinda thing??

    No but in all honesty that was true and it was not much.. just enough to notice that something funky is going on

    i was real scared till i read one refreshing thread.. but stil kind of on edge... wake the hell up I dont want to ask a random person about how i should milk blood from myself


    I repleyed wit:

    Watery bloody nipple discharge is always a serious condition and you should visit a doctor, just to be sure.

    Next time, please add a link from the original post when you p.m. me, everybody

    I answer on the forum because when I sent a p.m. I can't see it back in the sent messages box.
    Thus I dunno if my answers are really sent.
    Since the hacking I'm also unable to post pictures in this forum, allready contacted the IT team about it.