The condition of high blood pressure is called as hypertension.
It is the principle cause of heartattacks , Strokes and kidney failure .
When force of blood against artery walls is too high, person is said to have hypertension.
Usally in this condition patience's blood pressure shoots up to 140/90 and 180/120 in sever cases.
Patient having this has no symptoms of it , that's why it is difficult to diagnose it at lter stages. Patients are prone to anxiety and nervous disorders due to it.
Garlic , cloves and gooseberries do wonders in your heath . They helps to lower down blood pressure.
Some ayurvedic remedies are,
Herb punarnava
Vatta,pitta and kapha.
It is the principle cause of heartattacks , Strokes and kidney failure .
When force of blood against artery walls is too high, person is said to have hypertension.
Usally in this condition patience's blood pressure shoots up to 140/90 and 180/120 in sever cases.
Patient having this has no symptoms of it , that's why it is difficult to diagnose it at lter stages. Patients are prone to anxiety and nervous disorders due to it.
Garlic , cloves and gooseberries do wonders in your heath . They helps to lower down blood pressure.
Some ayurvedic remedies are,
Herb punarnava
Vatta,pitta and kapha.