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Starting Naps Beginners Cut Cycle

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  • Starting Naps Beginners Cut Cycle

    So today is day 1 of the cycle for me. Little about myself, I'm 37, 5'9" and weigh 201 as of this morning. Been lifting for about 14 of the last 17 years. Just got back into it about a year ago. I've never had problems putting on size, but right now I want to drop some body fat without losing lean muscle, possibly even put a couple more pounds of it on in the process.

    Cycle is as follows:
    Weeks 1-8 100 mg GP Test Prop every other day.
    Weeks 3-8 40 mg GP Stan 10 per day.
    Weeks 1-8 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day
    Plus I'm adding 40mcg of Clen for the first 2 weeks and weeks 9-10 (Cld go higher depending on tolerance)
    PCT will continue the anastrozole for 2 weeks and run Clomid for 4 weeks

    I'll let everyone know how it goes and if you have any thoughts I'm open to hearing them.


  • #2
    Well only day 2 and I'm already wondering how some of you guys go up to 120 mcg of clen??? I'm only using 40 and feel jittery as hell! One change I will make based upon a lot of reading here is cutting the anastrozole to .5mg eod and see how that goes. Recommended dose seems a little high for the amount of test.


    • #3
      So today was the first workout since the 1st pin. Felt great after I got going. Was a little sluggish this morning, mild headache and felt a little achy. Think it was the clen. Took a potassium and taurine supp and drank a lot of water, feeling great now! Felt like I was going to cramp up in my quads and hip flexors while doing legs today, but if I keep up the supps I think it will be fine. Was sweating like crazy though! Did push some good weight today and can't wait to see how I'm feeling a couple weeks in!


      • #4
        You are a brave soul doing a first cycle with prop. How is your pinning going with it?


        • #5
          First pin in the right glute and it actually wasn't bad. Little sore today, but that's it so far. Tomorrow I am going quad so I'll let you know if I change my tune afterward!


          • #6
            Hey big pump how many calories and carbs you taking in aday


            • #7
              2000 calories and about 170-180 on carbs daily. Thoughts? I know calories are on the low side, but since I'm cutting I'm trying to find that fine line of just enough to keep my metabolism up.


              • #8
                With that low amount of calories becareful not to lose muscle
                Especially on cardio days Im 186 and i have to stay get at least 2,700 or i lose muscle on a cut. But i also have to get about 5,000 to gain
                Keep an eye on the carbs to definetly try to get the majority before workout
                An try get no more than 2,500 mg sodium you gona be good to go
                Good luck. Keep me posted. Cause im 5/9. 186 im keeping my eye on this thread


                • #9
                  Thanks for the info Big L. I might bump the calories up a little just to help maintain.


                  • #10
                    So today was PIN number 3, day 5 so far. Everything has been really good with the test injections, no PIP so far in both quads or 1 glute. Only problem is while doing legs this week it felt so good I went a little too much heavier and too much volume and pulled my left quad a little! Not bad, but I'll probably need to skip quads this week. Left the anastrozole dose at .5mg per day per the stack plan. Clen I went 40 mcg for the first 4 days and today I increased to 80 mcg as the effects seem to lessen. I'll see how it goes at this level. Started at 201, woke up this morning at 196.5 and haven't seen any decrease in strength. Actually I feel firmer and stronger in the gym every day.


                    • #11
                      Pin 4 day 7! One notable change is that I have discovered the quad pain was PIP. It was below the injection sight, so I assumed it was a muscle strain, but after injecting the right quad I got the same pain. Glutes seem to be no problem. I do wonder if it's a virgin muscle thing or just a Test Prop issue though. Any thoughts? It feels much like a muscle strain for anyone who has never felt it in my case anyway, stiff, sore, tough to loosen up and walk after sitting for a while. Other than that the first week has gone very well. 195.5 this morning, weight loss has slowed, but at first I'm sure it was mostly water and now hopefully I am starting to add some lean muscle as I burn body fat.


                      • #12
                        Quick update, I am just finishing week 2 and tomorrow will be pin 8. Feeling very solid, strength and energy have been good. As for the PIP, I haven't had any problem with the glutes, and with the quads I massaged them a little and hit them with a heating pad and the second time through was much better.


                        • #13
                          Nice log big pump, keep us up to date how things go!


                          • #14
                            Keep up the good work! Did you get your HCG?
                            Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


                            • #15
                              Thanks guys! Big pa - waiting for it as we speak. Hoping to have it for my last couple weeks. Started yours yet?

