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  • diuretics


    Diuretics, sometimes known as ?water pills? or ?pee pills? , are drugs which draw excess fluid from the tissues of the body and convert it into urine, especially the extra cellular fluid (outside the bodies cells) . The drugs work by disrupting the normal action of the kidneys. The kidneys usually remove water, minerals and waste products from the bloodstream. Most of the water and minerals are returned to the bloodstream after the waste products have been expelled in the urine. Diuretics are medically used to reduce the amounts of sodium and water reabsorbed into the bloodstream, which increases the amount of urine, draws excess fluid from tissues and reduces the water content of the blood. As the diuretics act to expel urine from the body, the tissues become less water-logged and the action of the heart improves because it has to pump a smaller volume of blood around the body. This, in turn, acts to reduce blood pressure. Different diuretic drugs work in slightly different ways, but all make you go to the bathroom more often. If females suffer swelling before their period, for example, they will feel less bloated. Sufferers from heart failure will feel less breathless as the diuretic removes fluid that has gathered in the lungs and places less strain on the heart. That is the medical use of diuretics, but bodybuilders use them for cosmetic reasons. Especially those bodybuilders that retain large quantities of fluid through the excess use of anabolics, rely heavily on the use of diuretics. Diuretics transport the overdose of fluid that forms a layer between their hard muscles and the jury. It efficiently lowers the subcutaneous water concentrations and produces the ripped look that is sought after in today?s contest condition. Even the Mr. Olympia competitors are tested on the use of diuretics. Those who believe that this will expel its use are highly na?ve, but more about that later in this article.

    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has put them on their doping list and its use is prohibited as well within as outside competition. The diuretics are also listed in the group of masking agents, because they influence a doping test by diluting the urine, although they are also seen as separate doping means.
    The foolish use of diuretics in combination with fluid limitation, can, within single hours, lead to dangerous or even fatal side effects.
    An other dangerous practice is the use of a diuretic in combination with potassium supplements in an attempt to prevent muscle cramps and tiredness
    Although there is only little written data about cases of diuretics and potassium abuse, the problem is general and happens also in all other branches of sport. Competitive athletes use it to drop water weight, to be able to compete in lower weight classes. The weigh-in is mostly a day before the competition and the athlete can return to his normal weight within a few hours. This is especially advantageous for fighters like by example boxers and kick-boxers.

    Physicians know how to use with these means safely and how to react to the resulting metabolic and electrolytical changes. But most bodybuilders and other athletes don?t have the knowledge and experience to work with diuretics and mineral supplementation on a safe manner. This incorrect use can cause paresthesia (numbness, tingle), heart palpitations, muscle cramps and dizziness. Many of these side effects can be decreased by closely monitoring and adjustment of the serum electrolytes by means of oral or parenteral electrolyte solutions. This is absolutely no layman?s work, it demands a large knowledge and experience.

    ; 1996
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  • #2

    Dehydration and hemoconcentration (thicker blood) are important changes, that can occur by use of diuretics and liquid limitation, this condition puts a larger workload on the cardiovascular system and the heart, causes loss of body own (endogenous) proteins, minerals and vitamins, decreased plasma concentrations proteins, and can easily lead to hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level) and ketonuria.

    There is a case reported of a pro-bodybuilder, that on the day of the competition complete lost the control over his muscles, and could easily have passed away, if on that moment no experienced physician had been present (2). The first well known victim was the world champion bodybuilding 1971 Heinz Sallmeyer from Austria. In 1992 the top-bodybuilder Mohammed Benaziza (1) passed away just after he won the European Grandprix in the Netherlands, his official cause of death was named to be heart failure but in a TV-broadcast of the last competition of Benaziza is to be seen that he suffered severe muscle cramps and had difficulty to control his muscles. A 31 year-old body builder developed ventricular tachycardia and collapsed due to myocardial infarction, while consuming potassium supplements in addition to anabolic steroids, amphetamines and potassium sparing diuretics (3).

    Your body consists for the largest part of water and that is of vital importance for all sorts of functions. Without food you can survive for quit a while, without water that is impossible. The cells in your body consist for 75% of water. The water can be located in different parts of your body, inside the cells, between the cells and in the blood. The distribution is regulated by salts, because these salt attract water. This attraction is called osmosis. Water is important as a solvent, as a transport medium and as a heat buffer.

    The average man loses about two litres water per day via evaporation (via the skin), sweat, breathing, urine and the defecation. Normally he drinks two litres water per day as compensation. That happens via all sort of drinks, but fixed food and fruits also contain water and also through metabolism water is set free. If you are physically active and sweat or stay or work-out in a tropical environment, the water loss is larger and you need to drink more. Liquid loss equals performance loss.

    Your kidneys are organs that for it see to that waste products of the body are transported via the urine. They help to regulate the composition and the volume of the blood. To be able to do that, three things are very important: first is the regulation of the water and salt household and with that thus also the blood pressure, second is the control on the balance between acids and bases and therefore the blood acidity, and third is the excretion of rest products of the metabolism.
    This is how the water household is regulated, per minute, one litre blood is filtered in the kidneys. That makes 1440 litres blood per day. In the first place all the blood plasma becomes pressed through a filter and later on this fought with the different salts becomes again 'withdrawn' the blood. The re-absorption of salt (sodium) is influenced by aldosterone (a hormone of the adrenal cortex). Aldosterone pulls sodium (kitchen salt) back again into the blood, while more potassium stays behind and leaves the body via the urine. Diuretics influence the kidneys. As described above all the blood is filtered through the kidneys. That is a passive trial. After that water and salt are reabsorbed and this process is influenced by diuretics. To summarise, diuretics make sure that the kidneys excrete more water and salt (NaCl), you loose more liquids (and thus weight).

    There are various types of diuretics, all of which have a slightly different mode of action the different groups are mostly distinguishes by the different parts of the kidney where they exert their effect.

    These are the most often prescribed type of diuretics and they work by blocking the re-absorption of sodium, potassium and water. Taking them, however, can lead to a shortage of potassium in the body and for this reason they may be given with a potassium supplement or in conjunction with another type of diuretic known as a potassium-sparing diuretic. These diuretics are mostly used to treat high blood pressure by reducing the amount of sodium and water in the body. Thiazides are the only type of diuretic that dilate (widen) the blood vessels, which also helps to lower blood pressure.
    Thiaziden are a group of diuretics that are orally good absorbed. They raise the excretion of sodium, chloride and water, decrease the quantity of extra-cellular fluid and decrease the blood volume in the blood circulation through removal of fluid. They can also raise the calcium excretion. To this group belongs chlorothiazide, (Diuril?), and hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril?).

    Other diuretics, that in quality resemble the thiazides are classified as sulphonamides, examples are chlorthalidone (Hydrogen?) ? that has a longer duration effect due to a slower absorption - and metolazone (Zaroxalyn?).

    These are powerful diuretics which also block the re-absorption of sodium, potassium and water. They have an extremely rapid action and for this reason they are sometimes used in emergencies, for example to relieve fluid on the lungs. They are especially useful to people with impaired kidney function who do not react well to thiazide diuretics. Like thiazides they can cause a shortage of potassium, which can be counteracted by taking either a potassium supplement or a potassium-sparing diuretic. Loop-acting diuretics cause the kidneys to increase the flow of urine. This helps reduce the amount of water in your body and lower your blood pressure.
    The loop diuretics are powerful, short acting diuretics that can be taken oral as well as intra muscular. Their effects as for quality resemble those of the thiazides (despite the fact that they promote the excretion of calcium). They are in state large changes in liquid balance to bring about. Intravenous administered produce these matters an immediate excretion of liquid, that, although robust, only by short duration is. This is the cause been that one loop-diuretics is will use for the of minute until minutes adjust of body weight and liquid content. Until the group of loop-diuretics belong furosemide (Lasix?) and analogues, bumetanide(Bumex?) and piretanide, and ethacrynine-acid. (Demarex?)

    Combined use of loop diuretics and thiazides provides a synergistic effect and a decrease of the doses related side effects, since lower quantities of both means can be used but still lead to the same results. Together they provide a stronger fought excretion then by use of one of these means on itself.
    Although the excretion of calcium is decreased by this combination, the side effects like by example metabolic alkalosis and magnesium excretion are still undiminished present.


    • #3

      As the name suggests, these diuretics block the reabsorpton of sodium and water without affecting the body?s potassium balance. They are mild diuretics and may be prescribed together with a thiazide or loop diuretic to prevent the body losing excess potassium. Potassium-sparing diuretics are used to reduce the amount of water in the body. Unlike the other diuretic medicines, these medicines do not cause your body to lose potassium.
      A potassium sparing diuretic is spironolactone (Aldactone ?), that only taken becomes or in combination with an other diuretic to reduce the potassium excretion. Other examples of these diuretics are traimterene (Dyrenium?) and amiloride (Mildanor?).

      Other examples of diuretic combinations are spironolactone plus hydrachlorothiazide (Dyazide?) and amiloride plus hydrachlorothiazide (Moduret?).

      These are not prescribed very often. They work by blocking the re-absorption of sodium and water and are used to maintain the flow of urine through the kidneys after surgery or injury and to lower pressure within fluid-filled cavities. One of the most used osmotic agents is Mannitol, it acts like a diuretic when injected either subcutaneously (under the skin), intra muscular (in the muscle) or intra venous (in the veins, cq bloodstream). Other osmotic agents are b.e. glycerol and urea.

      This is a mild diuretic that is mainly used to treat congestive heart failure, fluid retention, pre-eclamptic toxaemia (PET) during pregnancy, premenstrual tension and epilepsy. It?s also used to treat some types of glaucoma when locally acting drugs have failed to treat the problem successfully.

      These work by blocking the effect of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that affects the level of bicarbonate ions in the blood. However, they are only effective for a short period of time.

      Many readers will not understand the importance of these electrolytes. But sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium all play an important role in the physiology of the living cells. Sodium and potassium are responsible for the maintaining of the electrical potential (this explains the term electrolytes) of the cell membranes that control the permeability and excitability of the cell. The sodium and chloride concentration outside the cell is higher than the potassium concentration inside the cell. A low sodium concentration is mostly no problem because our food contains much salt. Plus our body can easily hold the sodium and water under difficult circumstances. Repeated stimulation (contractions) until the point of tiredness leads to a loss of potassium and a decrease in the ability to flex the muscles. Depolarisation of the muscle cell membrane through nerve stimulation generates a release of calcium, that is available in relative small quantities inside the cell (compared with outside the cell) and is stored in the membrane systems of the muscle cells. Calcium plays an important role in the flexing of the muscles, but is reabsorbed again by the sarcoplasmatic reticulum when the stimulation stops. Physiochemical changes in the muscle through very heavy physical load, can lead to a decreased re-uptake of calcium, what again can lead to an exuberant tension and cramp, you can understand that this condition is not advantageous for muscle distraction and recovery. Magnesium is mainly located within the cells. The moving from the outside to the inside of the cell of magnesium resembles that of potassium. It activates enzymes and plays an essential role in the muscle nerve working. Considerable yet is that all elements under normal circumstances, no illness, no drugs, work together to maintain the extra- and intracellular fluid levels in balance, just like the muscle contraction ability (this also includes the heart muscle). But also the permeability of the membrane, to allow the uptake of glucose and amino acids, and to regulate many different other metabolism functions.

      The days that Arnold S. used some easy diuretics during the last days before the contest, and a few alcoholic beverages just before he stepped on stage, to show his veins, are gone, long gone.
      Now athletes are committed to IV-drips and oxygen masks. They are tested on AAS usage and diuretics and when one thing became crystal-clear during this osmotic diuretics and plasma expander dispute between a few Olympians and nutrionists on the boards, it was that these highly admired athletes felt forced to use designer steroids and designer diuretics to avoid detection. The list of athletes who suffer health problems especially damage on the kidneys and heart is long and impressive. And if during this openly dispute, a representative of their organisation warns them to keep the dirty laundry in, because this will ruin the positive image of bodybuilding. Then he is wrong, deadly wrong. The anabolic testing and the testing for diuretics are introduced to make bodybuilding to an Olympic sport. A sport where officials can kiss their own and each others ass in expense of the athletes. The dream of an Olympic sport is a myth, a mythical dream that will never come true and is born in the minds of a few old man that didn?t had the health nor the well-being of the athletes, they represent, on top of their priority list. Everyone both inside as well as outside our sport already knows these athletes use chemical enhancement drugs, but its time to reduce the dangers by stopping the testing and allowing the athletes to use the most safe means in order to give all athletes a fair chance and to protect their health as much as possible.



      1. Performance-Enhancing Substances in Sport and Exercise
      Bahrke and Yesalis

      2. When bodybuilders collapse, a result of hyperkalemia?
      Sturmi J.E. Rutecki G.W.
      The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1995

      3. Myocarial infarction. Hyperkalaemia and ventricular tachycardia in a young male body-builder
      Appleby M, Fischer M, Martin M
      Int J Cardiology 1994

      4. The physiologic basis of diuretic synergism: its role in treating diuretic resistance.
      Ellison DH.
      Ann Intern Med 1991; 14:886-894

      5. Diuretics: physiology, pharmacology, and clinical use.
      Dirks JH, Sutton RAL.
      WB Saunders; 1986

      6. Continuous infusion of loop diuretics: Pharmacodynamic concepts and clinical applications.
      Martin S.
      Clin Trends in pharmacy Practice 1994; 8:10-15

      7. Diuretics ...
      Cardiovascular Drug Therapy. 2nd ed WB Saunders


      • #4
        I usually stick with the potassium sparing like triamterene - hydrochlorothiazide combo, works well for me..


        • #5
          i used dyazide for my first show last year. it really did everything i needed, so i don't see myself ever wanting to go into something like lasix, that has a rep for being a lot harder to control.

          btw, i hope anyone thinking about taking a diuretic reads this. i'd hate to think that there are guys out there popping pills without understanding what the full consequence could be.
          Senior Member
          Last edited by sam1976; 06-09-2010, 12:07 PM.
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          • #6
            Very nice read....


            • #7
              Great info.. Thanks


              • #8
                Great information and nice post


                • #9
                  I use lasix everyday anyway to help with my diabetes and when i cycle it gets a little intense sometimes managing the blood glucose levels and the water retention so I don't end up in a box...There was another bodybuilder that almost died from abusing these compounds he locked up I believe it was the Arnold Classic and they carried him off the stage like a statue...Mohammed Benaziza was a great bodybuilder who would have had a long career
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Great post thanks


                    • #11
                      idk how true this is. but, ronnie coleman said that he used to drink coffee mixed with vodka the night before his shows. said it dried him up like crazy. anybody ever heard of this?


                      • #12
                        No. Never tried it but can see how that could do the trick.
                        Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!



                        • #13
                          Ronnies "nutritionist" is known for using all kinds of crap to dry down, me.. I don't believe this kind of nonsense ronnie should have said. When I'm back home I'll try to find the relevant public fight with Chad about the watermangement. Alcohol is used to make the veins pop out, Arnold never made it a secret that he used it just before he stepped on stage..

                          Originally posted by chevy355s10 View Post
                          idk how true this is. but, ronnie coleman said that he used to drink coffee mixed with vodka the night before his shows. said it dried him up like crazy. anybody ever heard of this?


                          • #14
                            Truly huge bodybuilding

