I just wanted to share this...I see a lot of guys talking in forums and blogs about injection site problems and when I first started out I had similar issues here and there. I was always looking for someone to share these experiences with but it was difficult finding people sometime. If you live this life style you are going to experience issues and difficulties now and then with injection site pain, bumps, swelling and possibly other problems. Everyone needs to understand when to go to a doctor and get help and when its ok to ride it out. I'm not a doctor and I'm not offering any medical advise this is something you need to decide on your own. All I am offering was someone to share my personal experience with. If this maybe helpful let me know. For the new guys, there is a lot you need to know about this whole process from you cycle, gear and injections before you even start. So get informed. It can be scary with a lump on you butt waiting day by day trying to decide what to do, I know this feeling I think we all do. If anyone wants to share anything..