While most people just stick by using traditional cycles and compounds, competing athletes are trying new products. Of course the compounds that are being used change from country to country and depend on which nutritionist is advising you.

In the past I have posted some blogposts on topicals and this time I would like to examine an old French product called : Percutacrine Thyroxinique it was made by Laboratoires BESINS INTERNATIONAL and contains 10 ampoules of 2 ml with a percutaneous solution.

It was indicated for the symptomatic treatment of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Composition of the cutaneous solution. Dextrothyroxine sodium: 4 MG / 2ML


This French laboratory also markets other products for percutaneous absorption Percutacrine Androgenique (Andro Gel) and Progestogel and many others.

The French product, Percutacrine, is generally used in a pre-contest bodybuilding drug cycle. It is a thyroxine-based solution mixed with alcohol for topical subcutaneous penetration. Not a steroid, this product is a European thyroid hormone indicated for the treatment of hypothyroidism, characterized by a slow, sluggish or nonfunctioning thyroid gland. Sold primarily in France (it's illegal in the United States), Percutacrine is used by numerous bodybuilders during pre-contest cutting cycles to complement the fat-burning effects of thryoid drugs like Cytomel and Triacana and/or beta blockers like Clenbuterol. Previous posts on topicals: // and //

Certain physique athletes will do just about anything to accelerate lipolysis close to a show, and they use Percutacrine to increase metabolic function, which means that carb, protein and fat metabolism will be upped. Percutacrine is just another of many pre-contest fat-burning drugs available on the black market, and to my knowledge it has not yet been counterfeited.

There appears to be some localized effect from this drug because of its topical application; perhaps it's just the dispersing agent that simply dries out the skin, making it feel tighter. Or, geez, maybe it's actually the diet or cardio work kicking in!

Percutacrine is a synthetic agent that mimics T4 thyroid hormone, which is naturally produced by the thyroid gland. If too much synthetic thyroid is taken (and that is usually the case among desperate athletes), some or all of the following side effects can be noticed: nervousness, tremors, headaches, insomnia, anxiety and hypothyroidism. The long-term use of thyroid medication has been shown to irreversibly suppress thyroid function, in which case the user would have to continue thyroid medication for the rest of his or her life to make up for the deficiency.

On its own, Percutacrine is iffy at best. Its alleged efficacy has no acknowledged source or reference or documentation concerning spot reduction of subcutaneous fat. As a best- case scenario, Percutacrine appears to penetrate the bloodstream and enhance overall metabolic function. I'm sure there are athletes that swear by this stuff, but who's to say whether it works as well as they say it does?

On the Pic: Serge Nubret

Browsing the net about Percutacrine I found some interesting threads and remarks: “The Nubret's Gym was the mecca in Europe. He used a kind of liquid amino acid called Trophysan sold freely in pharmacies (drugstores). Also Triacana creme and Thiomucase cream mixed together and rubber into the belly and the thighs to burn any subcutaneous fat deposits.

Another product widely used was called 'Percutacrine' a kind of ampoule with around 6ml's of some liquid that really did heat up and burn out fat under the skin - amazing stuff!

Serge Nubret used it! And on his athletes. These products were used by 100% of all competing athletes at Nubret's Gym. Not dangerous stuff, but amazingly effective. Fat just burnt away! Serge knew all the shortcuts to getting ripped fast and really cut to ribbons. Lou Ferrigno can remember that. I'm sure!

All the products that led to muscle mass, cuts & vascularity were all in abundant use at his gym. Back in 1982-87 it was not a crime it was just cheating. Taking your health into your own hands...

In competitive Bodybuilding you learn very very fast how good or bad you are. If you want it? then, what are the sacrifices needed. Like in any other venture, mountaineering, diving, Formula 1, Boxing, UFC etc.

The worst that can happen in my 'humble' opinion is to train and train and not get there or not change, lose that belly or get those big cut square arms...

Spot reduction hmmmm? Very debatable and somewhat dubious but ............there was a product called Percutacrine Thyroxinique, which as the name suggests is a thyroid hormone. It's used as a topical solution that can be applied locally to the area in question, I used a box on my abs over 12 weeks pre contest years ago, my abs did look good but I was doing 2 cardio sessions daily and carb cycling so who can say if it did what it says on the tin.

It’s a French Product and to be honest, I have never heard anyone else who has got this, and it was only by the luck of knowing a retired IFBB Pro that I managed to get a half used box. “


Do It Yourself (DIY)

While browsing the net to find out how people use and used these compounds and their opinions about it. I thought that just posting these would make a nicer blogpost then editing:

If you want to use something for "spot reducing"...try percutacrine. It is made in France by a company that if I can remember was called LPB. I used to order it directly from them and have it sent to the states when I was competing. As far as is T-3 from what I understand...same as Cytomel. I used it before...same effects.

Tricana is nowhere to be found. Do a search for Tiratricol. Same chemical used to produce tricana cream. Get some and mix with Yohimbine in dmso.

After searching, Tiratricol is also known as Triac, a relative metabolite of T3 with similar activity.Percutacrine thyroxine (or thyroxinique) is a French drug that is called 'anti cellulite' in nature.

I may get some and mix with thimoucase. Or it really seems it may be just as effective to mix some crushed T3 in with some thimoucase. Just dont know what would be effective and how much would work locally, as opposed to in the general bloodstream (thereby having the same effects as oral T3, which I do NOT want).

This is a topic that has arisen on occasion (several times by me!), so Ive done some research trying to find a similar product, since the reportedly effective triacana has become extinct. Tiratricol is a precursor to T3. T3 is about 75-100x as potent as Tiratricol (Triac/Triacana). The old Triacana cream had 90mg tiratricol per 45g tube of gel. I figure that could be equal to 90-120mcg T3 per 45g tube of gel. For the gel I will use the Thiomucase cream and mix in the powdered T3. I will report the progress!

If you’re going to make your own topical. Use DMSO instead of Thimoucase, as it is a better delivery for the T3, or Yohimbine. The DMSO penetrates the fat and gets the product into blood stream. Thiomucase does not.

IFBB PRO girl: “Mike, it does work, I use the Thiomucase with the DMSO and put it on before tanning and cardio...but u have to do it for a few days or weeks consistently. I’m sure u will see results with the t-3 added into it”.

T4 Hormone & Weightlifting

Bodybuilders often turn to supplements to lose fat, build lean muscle mass and reduce recovery time after intense workouts. Because anabolic steroids are frequently banned in competitions, weightlifters turn to more natural supplements to produce results. The thyroid hormone T4 helps control the rate of metabolism, which is one reason athletes sometimes choose T4 to help give them a competitive edge.


T4 is also known as L-Thyroxine T4 and is available in several prescription formulations. It’s one of two primary hormones your thyroid produces, the other being triiodothyronine, or T3, although T4 makes up 90 percent of thyroid hormones. Every cell in your body depends upon thyroid hormones to regulate their metabolic function. If the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient T4, then you may develop symptoms of hypothyroidism; too much T4 leads to hyperthyroidism, according to the American Thyroid Association.

The Effects of Weightlifting and Steroids on T4

Research in Finland on elite weightlifters over a period of a year studied the response of the pituitary-thyroid system before, during and after strength training. The results, published in the “Journal of Sports Science” in 1993, showed that periods of decreased training leads to a mild decrease in serum T4 concentrations. Another study, published in 1995 in the “European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology,” found that T4 levels in weightlifters were lower at night than in a control group, which the researchers concluded may have implications for muscle building.

It’s also been shown that male bodybuilders taking androgenic-anabolic steroids developed mild thyroid impairment (Deyssig et al). But it seems logical that different kinds of steroids exert not only different results but also different side-effects. Donaldson et all in sheep: Plasma total thyroxine was markedly depressed to 45 per cent of its basal level by trenbolone acetate. Fortunato et al in rats: nandrolone decanoate treatment induced a significant increase in the absolute and relative thyroid gland weight. The concentrations of total serum T3, free T4, and TSH decreased significantly with treatment, but total serum T4 levels were unchanged.

Why Bodybuilders Use T4

Thyroid medication is frequently used by bodybuilders getting ready for a competition to lose excess fat by speeding up their basal metabolic rate and help them get “cut,” or produce maximum muscle definition. Although the thyroid hormone T3 is more popular for this purpose, T4 may lead to increased muscle retention and improve the effects of growth hormone in weightlifters who are also taking growth hormone. Having excess thyroid hormones in your body can help produce more short-term weight loss than by dieting alone.

T3 vs T4

The thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The thyroid gland produces more T4 than T3, and, in fact, most of the T3 in the body actually results from conversion of T4 to T3 outside the thyroid gland. T4 and T3 have the same effects on the body, and increasing doses of either cause the thyroid gland to make less thyroid hormones. (This is referred to as "feedback inhibition," in which the levels of a chemical in the body regulates its own production.) T3 is more potent that T4, which means that one mg of T3 has a greater effect on the body than one mg of T4.

Levothyroxine is a synthetic version of T4, and liothyronine is a synthetic version of T3. Both are used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism, but levothyroxine is preferred because T3 is absorbed from the intestine very rapidly, and this may cause mild thyroid hormone toxicity (hyperthyroidism) in some patients. Also, the test that measures the level of T4 in the blood (TT4) is not useful when T3 is administered. (Specifically, if TT4 is used to monitor the adequacy of treatment when T3 is administered, it shows a low level of T4 which can lead to the erroneous decision to administer more T3.) Finally, since T4 is converted to T3 in the body, there is no advantage to administering T3 products.


Excess thyroid hormones can cause the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including tremors in the hands, heart palpitations, diarrhea, nausea, very high perspiration, headaches and a goiter, or swelling in the neck. For maximum effectiveness, T4 shouldn’t be taken within two hours of calcium or iron, which can reduce its absorption. Long-term use of thyroid hormones can suppress your body’s natural production. When you stop taking it, it could take some time for levels to return to normal levels, and, in some cases your body may lose its ability to produce the hormones permanently. That’s why most advise a cycle from 6 to max 8 weeks. I would stay on the safe side of 6 weeks and then have a break or switch to another compound.


Some people prefer compounds that are made in a T3/T4 ratio from 4.22 to 1, around the same as the human body produces.Best known are Dithryon or the Turkish Bitiron (Each tab has 50 mcg Levothyroxine (T4) and 12.5 mcg Liothyronine [T3]) and Armour Thyroid ( each tab has 67mcg T4 and 16.7mcg T3)

T4, T3 or a mix with GH

Taking T3 and GH together will cause an decreased conversion of T4 to T3 due to the feedback inhibition explained above.

Taking T4 with GH will trigger the conversion of T4 into T3, and this process of thyroid activation is synergistic. Both hormones work better. Its anecdotal that after cessation of this combination the loss in musclemass is less, than with GH alone

Taking GH alone means that one is not using GH’s full potential.

Dosing depends on ones goals as posted in my last GH blogpost. For modest bodybuilding GH 2-4 iu/day 25 mcg EOD is the rule of the thumb and GH 4-6 iu/day and 25mcg of T4 ED taken at bedtime. Most inject their GH in the morning, others split their doses and inject 2 times per day sub-Q. But everybody reacts different, so try to find out what works best for you personally. And discuss your results in the forum.